CAO East

Deep Sage Nine Web Cam (East)

The Deep Sage Nine observatory
located at 36°32′ 57″ N – 105°48’48” W.
near Tres Piedras, NM USA.

The observatory is primarily focused on all-sky and wide-field imaging and time-lapse astrophotography. Located on the high desert Taos Plateau with an unobstructed 360 degree view, our location is ideal for all-sky observations of meteors, satellites, and aircraft.

Instrumentation includes:

  • A Global Meteor Network Station US001P north-facing meteor detector camera with RMS meteor detection and tracking software running on a Raspberry Pi 4 computer. 
  • Raspberry Pi HQ camera with Arecont Vision 1/2” 1.55mm f2 lens, AllSky software running on a Raspberry Pi 4 computer
  • Lumix G100 Micro 4/3 camera for 4K resolution wide-field and all-sky capture
  • Celestron C-90 SCT telescope, Canon 20D DSLR camera, with Skywatcher All-View Alt-Az mount and SynScan Wi-Fi adapter.
  • Celestron Nexstar 8SE 8″ SCT telescope running StellarMate OS software to control the telescope
  • ZWO SeeStar S50 smart telescope running Seestar_alp software in equatorial mode.
  • Ambient Weather WS_2902 weather station

LIVE VIEW DS9 All-sky camera


Click here for the All-Sky Time-lapse video archive.

LIVE VIEW DeepSage Nine GMN Station US001P Meteor camera (Updates only during night.)

Click here for Global Meteor Network US001P Meteor Camera Nightly Data Archive

Astronomical viewing conditions at the Deep Sage Nine Observatory.

The Deep Sage Nine Observatory weather forecast from